Inspired by their close-knit often energetic relationship,
identical twin sisters Tovia and Tammy initiated the
spelling of “PYMP” to mean something positive, instead
of the standard negative, yet popular reference acronyms to the word “pimp.”
Tammy then raised the subject up to her husband Ricky, who immediately attatched the meaning of the letters… “PEOPLE YOU MUST PRAY” and PYMPstyle was then birthed. Understanding that prayer is a sustaining and powerful weapon and the promotion of a PYMPstyle lifestyle injected into every sector of society, this edgy, radical approach to prayer will ignite a move of God yet unparalleled in this generation.
Let us tap into where the battle really is…in the spirit realm. We can do it through the power of prayer!!
James 5:16 “The effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.” |